Bridget Maria Chesterton, Ph.D.
Professor Cassety Hall 335Office: (716) 878-4323
Email: chestebm@buffalostate.edu
Ph.D., SUNY, Stony Brook
Latin American History, Global History, Paraguay, Argentina, and Uruguay, Food and Commodities History, Borderland and Frontier History
Chancellor's Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities, 2016
The Hotel Guaraní: The Urbanization and Brazilianization of Paraguay during the Stroessner Years. (under contract with the University of Pittsburgh Press)
El Cuaderno de Etele Piacentini: Asistente de Josefina Velilla de Aquino Asunción, Paraguay: CEADUO, 2024.
The Grandchildren of Solano López: Frontier and Nation in Paraguay 1904-1936. University of New Mexico Press, 2013.
Edited Volumes
The Chaco War: Environment, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Editor, London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2016.
Transformations of Populism in Europe, the United States and Latin America: Histories Theories and Recent Tendencies. Co-edited with John Abromeit, Gary Marotta, and York Norman. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, 2015.
"Modernity, Migration, and Defeat: The Brazilian Gaze in Noites Paraguayas during the Era of Alfredo Stroessner," Co-authored with Pedro Martins Mallmann. Latin and Latinx Visual Culture 7 no, 2 (April 2025): 41-54.
"Everyday Cooking and Education in Paraguay: Women in the Kitchen during the stronato," Accepted pending revisions, Middle Atlantic Review of Latin American Studies.
"In Guaraní Lands: Paraguay as a Tourist Destination in the Magazines and Newspapers of Brazil during the Stroessner Era," Revista Historia Autónoma 25 (September 2024): 348-366.
“Beyond Contraceptives: Family Planning, Anti-Abortionism, and Sexual Education in Paraguay, 1966-1977.” Invited by Jahrbuch für Geschichte Lateinamerikas 59 (December 2022): 132-155.
"Contextualizando a Emma Reh: Mujeres paraguayas, comida, y fotografía en Paraguay durante la década de 1940." Suplemento antropológico LVI, no 2 (December 2022): 101-114.
“Between Yerba Mate and Soy: The Orange as National Food and Landscape from the Early-Nineteenth to the Early Twenty-First Centuries in Paraguay.” Global Food History (Spring 2022) https://doi.org/10.1080/20549547.2022.2058278
“The Kimbalitos: The Plan Kimball, Cold War, and Medicine in Paraguay, 1956–64,” Journal of Social History, 55, issue 2 (Winter 2021): 510-532.
"The Global Origins of a 'Paraguayan' Sweetener: Ka'a He'e and Stevia in the Twentieth Century." Co-authored with Timothy Yang. Journal of World History 27 no. 2 (June 2016): 255–279.
“A White Russian in the Green Hell: Military, Science, and Nation Building on the Frontier.” Co-authored with Anatoly V. Isaenko. Hispanic American Historical Review 94, no. 4 (Fall 2014): 615-648.
“Composing Gender and Class: Paraguayan Letter Writers during the Chaco War, 1932-1935,” Journal of Women’s History 26, no. 3 (Fall 2014): 59-80.
“Buscando a lexitimidade: a apropiación indebida do pasado paraguaio durante e despois do golpe parlamentario de xuño de 2012.” Tempo Exterior 26 (January-June 2013): 87-94.
“Chickens Need Hot Ovens: Doña Petrona and the Making of the Argentine Middle Class.” Latin Americanist, (Spring 2008): 61-79
Book Chapters
“Frontiers, Borderlands, Water, and the Nation State in Late Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Century Southern South America.” Bloody Years of “Peace”: A Global Military History of the Interwar Period. Ian Ona Johnson and Robert Clemm Eds. (Under contract with the University of Kansas Press.)
“Ar-condicionado, ventiladores e gelareiras no Paraguai durante a época de Alfredo Stroessner.” Trans. Edilberto Pauli Júnior, Chapter in Ciencuenta cem anos após a Guerra do Paraguai: entrelhares do Brasil, Paraguai, Argentina e Uruguai Vol 3. Ana Paula Squinelo and Ignacio Telesca eds. Campo Grande, Brazil: Life Editora, 2019: 487-500.
“From Porteño to ‘Pontero’: The Shifting of Paraguayan Culture and Identity in the Early Stroessner Years,” in Big Water: Environment, Belonging, and Development in the Borderlands of Brazil, Argentina, and Paraguay, Jacob Blanc and Federico Freitas, eds. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2018: 242-266.
“Aire acondicionado, ventiladores, y heladeras en Paraguay durante la época de Alfredo Stroessner,” Chapter in Nuevas perspectivas: Historia del Paraguay actual. Ignacio Telesca y Carlos Gómez Florentín, eds. Asunción, Paraguay: ServiLibro, 2018: 13-29.
“History: 20th Centuries: Paraguay and Uruguay,” in Katherine D. McCann and Tracy North, eds., Handbook of Latin American Studies: no. 73 Humanities. Austin: University of Texas Press (Forthcoming, October 2017.)
“Paraguay Guazú: Big Paraguay, Carlos Friebrig, and the Botanical Garden as a Launching Point for Paraguayan Nationalism,” Co-authored with Thilo F. Papacek, in The Chaco War: Environment, Ethnicity, and Nationalism. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, February 2016.
“Performing Populism in Paraguay: Febrerismo in the Works of Ruffinelli and Correa, 1933-43,” in John Abromeit, et. al., Transformations of Populism in Europe, the United States and Latin America: Histories Theories and Recent Tendencies. Bloomsbury Academic Publishing, November 2015: 212-227.
“Paraguayan Politics, Economics, and Cultural Identity, 1870-1936,” in Research Essays in Latin American History: Southern Cone, Brenda J. Elsey and Jessica Stites Mor, eds.
“Asunción,” in Oxford Bibliographies in Latin Ameican Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press. (In press)
“The Paraguayan War (War of the Triple Alliance).” Co-Authored with Thomas Whigham, in Oxford Bibliographies in Latin Ameican Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press.
“The Chaco War,” in Oxford Bibliographies in Latin Ameican Studies. Ed. Ben Vinson. New York: Oxford University Press.
“Antecedentes históricos sobre el nacionalismo paraguayo y el problema del agua a comienzos del siglo XX,” in Paraguay: Investigaciones de historia social y política. Actas de las III Jornadas Internacionales de Historia del Paraguay. Asunción: Tiempo de Historia, 2013: 241-250.
“El Centenario como momento historico," co-authored with Carlos Gomez Florentín, in El reto del futuro: Asumiendo el legado del bicentenario, Diego Abente Brun and Dionisio Borda, eds. Asunción: Ministerio de Hacienda, 2012: 433-468.
“Tensiones y ansiedades en las cartas de madrina de guerra,” in Paraguay en la historia, la literatura, y la memoria, Thomas Whigham, Barbara Potthast, Luc Capdevila, and Juan Manuel Casal, eds. Asunción, Paraguay and Montevideo, Uruguay: Tiempo de Historia and Universidad de Montevideo, 2012: 281-291.
“El nacionalismo científico paraguayo en la frontera del Chaco, 1927-1934,” in Paraguay: El nacionalismo y la guerra. Juan Manuel Casal and Thomas L. Whigham, eds., Asunción, Paraguay: Servilibro, 2009: 95-120.
“Beyond the Reducciones toledanas: The Jesuit Mission “Styles” in Juli and Paraguay” by Guillermo Wilde. In Unsettling Resettlement: Forced Concentration of the Native Population in the Colonial Andes, eds. Akira Saito and Steven A. Wernke.
Book Reviews
Hiding in Plain Sight: Black Women, the Law , and the Making of White Argentine Republic, by Erica Edwards, American Historical Review (forthcoming).
Don't Cry: The Enlhet History of the Chaco War, edited by Hannes Kalisch, Ernesto Unruh, H-War Reviews https://networks.h-net.org/group/reviews/20031941/chesterton-kalisch-and-unruh-and-regan-dont-cry-enlhet-history-chaco-war.
The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops, by Kregg Heterhington, Agricultural History 95, no. 3 (Summer 2001): 557-559.
El libro de Oro y su época: Historia, sociedad y patrimonio del Paraguay (1850-1890), by Guillaume Candela et al, Hispanic American Historical Review (forthcoming).
Landscapes of Migration: Mobility and Environmental Change on Bolivia’s Tropical Frontier since 1952 by Ben Nobbs-Thiessen. The Americas 79, no. 4 (2022) 668-689.
Native Peoples, Politics, and Society in Contemporary Paraguay, ed. Barbara A. Ganson. H-Net Environment, H-Net Reviews (October 2021.) https://www.h-net.org/reviews/showpdf.php?id=56911
¡Vamos a avanzar! The Chaco War and Bolivia's Political Transformation, 1899-1952, by Robert Niebuhr. The Americas 79, vol 3 (July 2022): 531-532
Landscapes of Migration: Mobility and Environmental Change on Bolivia’s Tropical Frontier since 1952 by Ben Nobbs-Thiessen. The Americas 78, no 4 (September 2021), p. 688-689.
The Government of Beans: Regulating Life in the Age of Monocrops, by Kregg Hetherington. Agricultural History 95, no. 3 (Summer 2021), 557-559.
Imaginarios, memoria y tiempo en Paraguay by Roberto L. Céspedes R. Conversaciones del Cono Sur 5 no. 1 (2021.)
Towards a History of the National-Popular in Bolivia, 1879–1980 by René Zavaleta Mercado American Historical Review (October 2020)
Dictator Dilemma: The United States and Paraguay in the Cold War by Kirk Tyvela. Latin American Historical Review 100, vol. 2 (2020); 386-388.
Before Brasilia: Frontier Life in Central Brazil, by Mary C. Karasch. Middle Atlantic Journal of Latin American Studies 1, no. 2 (2017): 28-29.
Demographic Change and Ethnic Survival among the Sedentary Populations on the Jesuit Mission Frontiers of Spanish South America, 1609-1803: The Formation and Persistence of Mission Communities in a Comparative Context by Robert H. Jackson’s Hispanic American Historical Review 91, no. 1 (Winter 2017): 157–158.
Kosher Fejoada and Other Paradoxes of Jewish Life in São Paulo, by Misha Klein. Ethnohistory 61, no. 3 (Summer 2014): 604-606.
Fevered Measures: Public Health and Race at the Texas-Mexico Border, 1848-1942, by John Mckieran-González. Canadian Journal of History 48, no 2 (Autumn 2013): 361-362.
The Paraguay Reader: History, Culture, Politics, by Peter Lambert and Andrew Nickson, eds. A contracorriente 10, no. 3 (Spring 2013): 515-520.
Dignifying Argentina: Peronism, Citizenship, and Mass Consumption, by Eduardo Elena. A contracorriente 10, no. 2 (Winter 2013): 425-429.
El fin de la colonia: Paraguay 1810-1811, by Jerry W. Cooney. The Americas 67, no. 4 (April 2011): 567-568.
The Stroessner Regime and Indigenous Resistance in Paraguay, by René D. Harder Horst. Hispanic American Historical Review 90, no. 1 (February 2010): 567-568.
The Return of the Native: Indians and Myth-Making in Spanish America, 1810-1930, by Rebecca Earle. Canadian Journal of History 44, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 2009): 279-280.
Francisco Solano López and the Ruination of Paraguay: Honor and Egocentrism, by James Schofield Saeger. The Americas 65, no. 2 (October 2008): 279-280.
Other Publications
"Historiadores: Escribir en colaboración" Correo Semanal de Ultima Hora, 5 (April 16, 2016).
“Historians Working Collaboratively.” Perspectives on History 52, no. 7 (October 2014): 34-35.
“Conference: New Perspecives on Paraguayan History.” The Americas 72, no. 1 (January 2015): 149-150.
“Conference: Re-Thinking Paraguayan History.” The Americas 69, no. 2 (January 2013): 401.
Future Projects
Book Chapters
"The Hotel Guaraní: Placemaking and Photography in a "New" Asunción. Edited volume for Kevin James, Guelph University.
Courses Taught
Undergraduate History and Culture of Argentina History and Culture of Brazil History of Paraguay Food and Global History Methods of Research and Writing History of the Caribbean Modern Latin American History Colonial Latin American History Global History since 1500 Drugs and Global History Latin American Environmental History
Graduate Latin America in the Twentieth Century Food and Global History Frontiers and Borderlands in North and South America The Atlantic World